Managing Damaged Hair

Managing Damaged Hair

When you have damaged hair, you have to be very intentional with your hair care routine. 

If you have damaged hair 一 we’re talking breakage, split ends and dryness 一 then you know just how frustrating it can be to manage. Whether it’s the result of constant bleaching or relying a little too much on hot tools and chemical treatments.

Chances are, you’ve turned to a hydrating treatment or a hair mask specifically formulated for your dry, damaged hair in the hopes that it might provide some repair. But, if you’re not taking your shampoo and conditioner choice into consideration, you’re missing out on one of the most important (and simplest) opportunities to fight damage in your hair care routine.

What Can You Do to Help Extremely Damaged Hair?

If your hair is extremely damaged, implement these three things into your hair care routine.

  1. Skip Heat Styling
  2. Upgrade Your Pillowcase 
  3. Add a Weekly Treatment to Your Hair Routine

Can Damaged Hair Be Repaired?

Damaged hair can be repaired with your routine if it hasn’t started to break off. If you’re experiencing hair breakage, it’s best to cut the damaged bits off so your hair doesn’t split further up toward the roots. 

Source: L'Oréal

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