Ways to Improve Your Shower Routine
There’s more to a good shower than just getting clean. Consider bathing an integral part of your beauty regimen. That’s why we’re revealing five ways to improve your shower routine—keep reading to find out how.
1. Turn Down the Temperature
We’ll admit it, steamy showers are seriously relaxing—but, that doesn’t mean they’re good for your skin and hair. Water that’s too hot can strip your skin and hair of essential oils, which could leave both feeling drier and looking duller. So, the next time you step into the shower, turn the dial down a few notches, settling on water that’s lukewarm. You’ll still be able to get clean, but your hair and skin will thank you for the heat reprieve.
2. Shorten Your Shower
Once you feel the (luke-) warm embrace of the water, you may want to stay in the shower forever. Showers that last an hour certainly seem indulgent and refreshing, but that’s not quite the case. Stay in for too long and you run the risk of drying out your skin. Do right by your skin by cutting down on the length of your showers.
3. Try a Nourishing System of Hair Care Products
Show your mane some serious love during your next shower by reaching for a nourishing system of shampoo and conditioner. Gently massage the shampoo into a thick lather and rinse thoroughly. Then, follow up by applying the conditioner and leave it on for 1-3 minutes before rinsing out. Once or twice a week, treat your hair to a deep-conditioning hair mask. After shampooing, apply it to wet hair, focusing on your lengths and ends. Leave it on for 3-5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. You can also use it as a pre-shampoo mask for added detangling and extra conditioning.
5. Don’t Dry Off Immediately
Rather than reaching for a towel as your first move post-shower, take advantage of the water sitting on your skin. According to the AAD, the best time apply moisturizer is when your skin is still damp, as this can help lock in hydration.